Throw a Breast Cancer Awareness Lemon Party

Host a Know Your Lemons Party for a fun and engaging way to raise Breast Cancer Awareness and learn about Breast Health with the Know Your Lemons app!

It's shocking how much we don't know about breast health. 

Our Know Your Lemons App Party is a great way to add some zest to your Breast Health Education as you gather the special people in your life (virtually if needs be!) and learn about breasts and ways to find breast cancer as early as possible, in a really fun and simple way.

Hosting a Know Your Lemons® App Party is incredibly rewarding and fun. We make it easy to make your party a success, with a digital party kit that includes instructions, printables and lemon-themed game ideas.

You might just be throwing a (virtual) party that saves a friend's life. Let's do this!

What do I need to do to get started?

First, download our free Know Your Lemons app!

Next, download the party kit! Know Your Lemons parties are hosted by passionate volunteers like yourself who believe in our cause and want to help us in our mission to educate every woman (and man) about early detection for breast cancer. Anyone can host a Know Your Lemons party, all you have to do is download the kit and get started!